VK ENTERPRISES Operational for the last 5 years, We have made a name for Ourselves in the field of Electronic Industries. With experience of manufacturing/Trading/Importing customized Cabinets & Enclosures we are Wholesale Distributors for a number of National & International Instrumentation Companies.

With over 500+ products in our range, VK Enterprises is one of the leading players in the field of Instrumentation Enclosure Cases in India.

We Specialize in the following products:

Molded Cabinet, ABS Instrument Cabinet & Junction Boxes, Hot Molded Glass Reinforced Polyester Enclosures and Instrumentation Knobs & Accessory, Plastic Enclosures, Metal Enclosures, Hand Held Enclosure, Aluminum Cabinets, ABS Junction Boxes, Cable Glands & Low Cost Cabinets.

Keeping tab of the ever-changing Electronics World we have constantly updated our product line and have served our customers with High Quality Goods, Prompt Deliveries & Effective after Sales Service. We have association with leading manufacturers of various types of cabinets.

With a view to Expand & Cater to a wider spectrum of Electronic Products & services rendered, we have put in place, Experienced & Efficient Personnel on board to look after the trading requirement of our valued client.

We take Pride in giving Personalized Service, Competitive Price ensuring that client’s requirement are catered too with utmost care & finesse that would leave clients satisfied.

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